Friday, February 10, 2017

Name Art

We have been doing some work with colours and zentangles to make our name in a creative way. It has been relly interesting working on an effective layout.

Learning Styles

We have been discussing how it is easiest for us to learn. 
We have identified our learning style and are going to try to use this knowledge to help us learn better.
We worked through some questions and analysed our answers to work our learning styles. This happened because some of us are having problems learning our basic facts. We decided whether we were Visual, Auditory or kinaesthetic learners.

Auditory people learn best by:
·       Putting/ summarising things into our own words
·       Reading things out loud
·       Using tapes and CDs
·       Explaining things to other people
Visual people learn best by:
·       Writing down the key facts and making cards
·       Visualising what they are learning. They might sit back, look up etc. to try and get a picture in their head.
·       Writing notes and sticking them around the place.
·       Using mind maps, pictures, cartoon story boards, photo stories and diagrams
Kinaesthetic people learn best by:
·       Moving about while they learn
·       Using actions to imprint the information (waving, tapping hands fingers etc)
·       Using different actions for different ideas.

We all found ti fascinating and researched on the internet to find out more about ourselves. It was scarily true
We have each made a poster that we are going to to put on our blog.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Learning About Our Classmates and Ourselves.

We wrote portrait poems using metaphors. They describe our looks. We finished these off with a couple of lines about ourselves or a message to others. Once complete we did a character mask.


In Room Two we have been busy writing our Memoirs. Memoirs are factual stories about someone's life. 'Memoir' is from the French word mémoire, which means 'reminiscence' or 'memory.' They are a part of the nonfiction literary genre and are usually told in the first person.

You write memoirs to share with others and interesting event that has happened to you or the you have seen. To make sure your memories don’t disappear and you can share them in the future with your family and friends.
Check out our individual blogs to see our memoirs.