Monday, August 21, 2017

Corn Soup with Garlic and Herb Bread.

This week we made ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS  soup. It had corn and bacon, everyone who got to try it loved it. We also made herb and garlic bread. We did not have a recipe (it had to come out of the teachers head as the wifi was down). The next time that happens at your school you should ask if you can cook.

First, we got a medium onion and chopped it really fine, then put it in a pot. Next, we chopped the bacon really fine and added it to the pot. We left the fat on it so that it would stop the onion and the bacon sticking. We cooked it until it was really browned nicely. After that, we added a can of creamed corn and 2 tablespoons of flour while the pot was not on the heat. Then we put the pot back on the element and slowly add milk while stirring.  There is no measurement for the milk as you decided how thick you want the soup to be. One group wanted thinner soup so they added more milk. We also made a bun each with garlic and herb butter. The teacher got someone to get it from a factory so we did not have to make our own. We cut our bun in slices (but not all the way through) and put as much butter in as we liked. Then we wrapped it in foil and put it in the oven to get hot.Some of us have decided that we will make this at home as it was soooooo delicious. 

St Johns

We took part in the St Johns in Schools Programme.  We learnt about DRSABCS which is REALLY important if you come across an accident. It is important to stop and access that there is no danger before you try to help someone. When you send for help you ask the person to come back and tell you that they have done it so you know that they did not forget or get distracted or even panic.

Send for help

We learnt how to put someone in the recovery position until help arrived and make sure they were breathing and that their airways were clear.We learnt how to bandage people, it was fun as we had fake sores that looked gross and we had to bandage them carefully as if it was a real emergency.
  Once we had finished bandaging we had to roll the bandages up, for some of us this was a real problem. Next, we learnt how to put a support sling on. These types of slings are really good if you need to keep the limb elevated to try and stop bleeding. 
At the end of the course,
we all received a small first aid kit that was sponsored by the ASB. The teacher wished she had one.
Catherine (the lady who came and taught us) we really good and she didn't mind if we made a mistake or had a laugh. She did check that we did everything though and was really helpful. Our class would recommend that you do this if you get a chance.

We also got a certificate for participating.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Scones and Milkshakes

Today there were only four of us at school (in our class) so the teacher looked around the school to see what ingredients there were and we cooked food for ourselves and the juniors. There weren't many ingredients so we could only make scones. 
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons Baking Powder
1 cup Milk 
50 grams butter

They came out really yummy and rose nice and high. She found raspberry jam, Nutella and honey so we could put what ever we wanted on them. (and butter)
For the milkshake, we had a little tub of ice cream and we could add whatever we wanted. There were strawberry and chocolate milkshake flavouring but also vanilla and raspberry essence as well as maple syrup, bananas, apples and kiwifruit. We could add what ever we felt like. It was a fun morning! We gave the teachers scones for morning tea and everyone in the school who wanted one got a scone.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Sir Peter Blake Award

Sir Peter Blake believed in the incredible potential of young Kiwis to achieve great things. He knew that inspiring leaders of any age could be found in every corner of New Zealand. Sir Peter showed all of us there are leaders and there are dreamers. Leaders make things happen. Dreamers have a vision. The truly special people do both. In that spirit, and in partnership with Westpac, our Young Leader Awards celebrate young people whose outstanding leadership uplifts their school community.
Blake Evans from our class received this award.

The Award was presented By Mr Pete Caddle from Westpac. We really enjoyed what he shared about himself and that he recognised when he needed to make changes. He talked to us about the process of achieving.
  1. Think
  2. Plan
  3. Do
  4. Help 
  5. Check

 The things that make a good leader are people who

  • have their own leadership style - it could be a quiet or a big, bold approach
  • work well with their peers, not just alone
  • communicate well, and can relate to both students and teachers
  • are doing good things in their school, home, and community
  • aren’t afraid of a hard task, and get stuck in
  • are thoughtful and considerate of others
  • take on extra duties, and do them well
  • do things with a great attitude
  • know how to have fun.