Friday, March 22, 2019


We have made wreaths, buntings and hearts to go to Christchurch. They are being taken over by a local group called New Coasters, it is made up of people who have moved here to the West Coast from other countries. 
Some of the Wreaths are made from Maps to symbolize the travel that some of the people in Christchurch undertook to get here to New Zealand. 
We are all wearing bright colours and scarves tomorrow and having a service where we are going to sing the Whole version of the New Zealand Anthem as it has so much meaning at this time. We are going to do 2 mins silence with the rest of the country and sing Welcome Home. We had not really listened to the words before but they have lots of meaning.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Get NZ Writing

We were really excited to receive our box from the School Kit people. The first thing we did was open it but the teacher did not let us open the little yellow tin.
We voted and wrote a colour poem sd s class. We only had to do this twice before the colour BLUE was chosen. It was quite pathetic the first time we completed the poem but we went back and each reworked our lines adding more adjectives. We were working on one shared document which was very interesting
When we got to open the little tin it was really exciting. We all looked carefully at all the items and with a partner, we walked around and wrote words about the objects, descriptions, what it felt like, made us think of etc. Then we each choose one item to write our poem about for the postcard. Some of us used Note, ly and some of us just used post-it notes. We could choose which one we felt comfortable with 
Once we had written our poems we were allowed to colour in the other side. When everyone was finished we put it together to see what it said. Some people worked on completing the Yellow Poster that goes with everything. We have got some pamphlets about where we live and things that people can do here that we are also putting in the courier bag. We plan to add a piece of greenstone and some other treats. It will be really exciting when we receive our courier package from our sister school.

Monday, March 11, 2019


Re-Planting the School Garden. 

We have been enjoying eating the cranberries, strawberries, silverbeet, potatoes and cabbages from our school garden. This week have done some wedding and re-planting. We have put in beetroot, lettuce, leeks, spinach and dome more cabbages. The cabbages seemed to grow really well and we had delicious coleslaw sandwiches. There were heaps of potatoes so each family got to take home a bag. No one is really interested in the silverbeet so it and the rhubarb are growing wild. It will be great when the year 6 students in our class start to cook with the produce,  while the year 7 and 8 students go to technology at the high school.


We are getting ready for Tuhi  Mai Tuhi Atu so we have talked about how to make a good comment on other peoples blogs.
It is a program where we connect with another school and learn from each other our connecting school is St Pius X Catholic School. This is the link to their blog. Room 7 Blog. We are really looking forward to learning about the students there and getting lots of ideas for new things to try, as well as helping each other.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Self Portraits

Every year we do self-portraits and we learn about the placement of our facial features. This is the link to the work that we had to do on Romero Britto. He was the artist that we studied and we followed a video to complete our work. 

It was fun learning about him and his bright modern style of art


We had a refresher on Solo Taxonomy and learning what we have to do to get to the next level. We have a solo rubric for our recount writing, it is the first of many that we will be using to help us set goals and the teacher will mark our work against.

Martin Luther King

We researched him, found out about his beliefs and what he tried to do and did with his life. We listened to his 'I Have a Dream' speech. We all had to do a presentation about him and then complete a piece of art about ourselves and our dreams. MLK this is the site where we accessed out work.
They came out really great and added some colour to our classroom. Not everyone has finished them yet but we thought it was interesting to look at the different patterns and what some people thought was good colouring in.


We started the year with a fun activity that made us think about what we wanted to achieve by the end of the year and also a celebration of where we are at.. The year 6 students are new to our class and don't know the expectations and how everything works and are learning to ask the teacher or some older students. We also had to think about our presentation- tidy writing - colour choice etc. Some people put in lots of effort and thought.