Friday, March 31, 2017

Helping Give Rewards to Younger Students

Today some of our class helped prepare scones with raspberry jam and cream for the year 3, 4 and 5 class. They could also have a chocolate or strawberry milkshake with icecream.
This reward was only for the children in the class who always do they right thing. They have to listen, follow instructions and have good behaviour. We really had fun preparing the food andand drinks. It was interesting as some of them seemed to get cream all over their faces and the table. It was really good to see their excited faces and how they enjoyed it. They now know for real that the teachers notice and really appreciate their help and support. This is a picture of some of them.
The worst part of it all was cleaning up afterwards, doing the dishes and wiping everthing down. But ......... we were lucky because we got to eat and drink some to and we could take home the left overs to share with our famiy. (If we wanted to. )

Metaphor Writing 

We loved taking part in the NZ Writing project. It was lots of fun learning about, writing and reading metphors. We really enjoyed preparing things for our package to send and included some information about where we are so that they could learn about our area. We can't wait to receive our package from the other school. Thanks to the people who organised this project our class hope that we get another chance to do something like this.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

How we made our Mihi word Clouds 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

How to use Tagul 
(a word cloud tool)
How to use Screencastify

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Swimming Sports Blaketown School

On Monday the 27th of February, we had our school swimming sports, it went very good with lots of firsts, seconds also thirds. At the swimming sports we had over arm,backstroke,breaststroke. And we did 4 lengths backstroke and over arm. Also we did and 6 lengths but it was optional. We also had who can dive and stay in the water the longest. Then the lower groups did the same but they had a fun thing, they did ice cream containers on their head’s and tennis balls under their chin and tried who can hold their breath the longest. After that we ate food and we had a free swim and some kids went outside and played. Then we caught the bus back to school in time for lunch. (by Patrick)

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Duffy Show
On Friday the 3rd of March the duffy show came to Blaketown School.  The whole school went to the  pavilion after interval.
So the whole school sat down and waited for the show to start then only two people came out but… there were three people ( we knew as we watched them unpack). The third one was behind the set and she didn’t come out until it was her part in the show.She was Globe Girl who was trying to change the world into a greener world, a better world. The moral behind the story was that we should take better care of this planet .

It is always very interesting to ask questions after Duffy Shows as we learn about the actors, their reading habits, where they are from etc. We are very lucky to have Duffy Shows and Duffy Books in our school and we really enjoy choosing our books. It is soooo exciting when they arrive and we see which book we actually get. (by Tasman)