Monday, May 20, 2019

Mothers Day Gifts

We made some pop-up boxes for our caregivers. We made sure that they were personalised and had messages from us that were meaningful. Some of us even made paper flowers and bows to decorate the top.
We also made paper flowers that we tied into bunches with floral paper and cellophane.   Then some people made wrapping paper while others wrapped their boxes in tissue paper and cellophane to match the hand made flowers.
We were really proud of ourselves.

Friday, May 3, 2019

BALANCE - Homework Projects

We were studying balance at school and had lots of activities to do as we learnt about balance points, counterweights and a balanced lifestyle.
We also had a homework project where we had to design and build an object that showed balance.

We then had to make a movie where we explained how we made it and how it exhibited balance (CHECK OUT OUR BLOGS FOR THESE)


I'm sure you all know the story of ANZAC but each year even though we think we know all about it, we manage to learn something new. It's always emotional as we think about what people did, put up with, experienced and lost.  We did some art to about ANZAC.
We were going to go to Shantytown and do an in-depth study about how New Zealand was badly affected by the 1918 influenza epidemic where 2500 men got ill and over 160 died  (in NZ) there were lots more around the world as soldiers bought it home. Maybe we will look at it more closely next year (we ran out of time)


This term we have learnt heaps about writing poetry. We have also researched types of poetry and tried writing different styles and types. We then made a poster on the lucid press of all our poems. We look at Katie Perry's 'Firework' song and realised it was a poem so spent time dissecting it with some of the tools we had learnt. We also looked closely at a Robert Frost poem - 'The Road Not Taken.' Click on to our individual blogs on the side and see some of our work.


In our class, we have been having a few emotional times between girls so we had a discussion (the boys had free time while we tried to sort it out.
Miss Smith thought we needed to mend some fences, talk to each other and have some fun. So she found lots of hair, nail and beauty products and let us loose with chocolate to make each other look beautiful. (we used the school library and teachers and adults left us alone to manage and sort things out ourselves). We had lots of fun talking trying out hairstyles painting our nails and playing with makeup. All the time we chatted, laughed and built lots of bridges so that we let the catty nastiness go and finished up as friends accepting each others differences.   

We learnt a lot about how our words can hurt others and that we have to not just talk about accepting that we are all different but actually show that we accept each other and each other's ideas, thoughts and feelings. We also learnt quite a bit more about responsibility or our actions and being resilient when things don't go our way.