As part of our study for Communication, we went to Shantytown.

We used the morse code machine and had to send and decipher a message in morse code.

Another activity involved us writing a speech for a Town cryer and then walking around the town and shouting it out in an appropriate voice. We had to think about the volume and the style of language and tone. It had to had to be in 'old English speak' and be formal.
We went to the schoolroom and used slates to draft a message home. We then used dip pens and put them in ink writing the message on paper so we could send it.We had to be really careful about not dripping the ink onto the paper and making a blot.

We had to read several things around town to follow find information and follow some events - it was a kind of treasure hunt.

We also played Chinese Whispers which was hilarious as the message was totally confused. This is good proof that verbal communication is important but it needs to be face to face, not second hand.