Friday, April 5, 2019


With the novels we read this term we had to do something called matchbox presentation
This meant that we had a folder which we decorated with a picture of our favourite scene from the story.
Then we had to measure and cut small pieces of paper and fold them into 3 in a certain way. We then had to do a label for each chapter, a picture for each chapter and when you lift the picture there had to be a well-written summary of the chapter. Not everyone has finished theirs so they have to work on it at home.


  1. Hey Room two,

    My name is Laki from Saint Pius X Catholic School, I just wanted to say that you guys are great artists those pictures look so amazing. That was a very creative idea to write a summary and put it under the picture.

    Keep it up.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Room 2,
    My name is Aaliyah, and I am a year 8 student currently attending St Pius X.
    Wow! I really liked you matchbox presentation, I've never heard of it, but it sure looks interesting. All your stories looked colourful and creative. I hope I can do this in my class.

    Good Job!

  4. Hi, room 2,

    My name is Sateki from Saint Pius X Catholic school, I have just read about your matchbox and I thought that it was a good idea for reading. I think that it connects with art. My favorite picture is in chapter 9. I can't wait to see more of your learning shared with us.

    Keep up the good work!!!!!

  5. Hello Room 2,

    My name is Poitirere and I am a year 7 student attending Saint Pius X catholic school.

    I have read about all of your wonderful matchboxes and I think that it was a brilliant idea for reading,Does it connect with art or any other subject???

    other than that you have done a great job keep up the great work(:

    All the best: Poitirere/Lili

  6. HI Room 2, I am Lukas and attend SPX, I am a Year 7, I really Liked The Way you did Your picture book and your drawings.
    Keep up the Good Work!!!


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