Helping Give Rewards to Younger Students
Today some of our class helped prepare scones with raspberry jam and cream for the year 3, 4 and 5 class. They could also have a chocolate or strawberry milkshake with icecream.

This reward was only for the children in the class who always do they right thing. They have to listen, follow instructions and have good behaviour. We really had fun preparing the food andand drinks. It was interesting as some of them seemed to get cream all over their faces and the table. It was really good to see their excited faces and how they enjoyed it. They now know for real that the teachers notice and really appreciate their help and support. This is a picture of some of them.
The worst part of it all was cleaning up afterwards, doing the dishes and wiping everthing down. But ......... we were lucky because we got to eat and drink some to and we could take home the left overs to share with our famiy. (If we wanted to. )
Kia Ora those look so yum can i have some