Tuesday, October 22, 2019


We were lucky enough to be selected to go to Grey High School to take part in an Amazing Race. The students had organised this a part of their P.E. We had ten teams with four people in each team (Room 4 had to come with us to make up the numbers). There were five tasks that we had to do. We walked there and got there quicker than expected so they had to be really flexible and change things around.
We played seaweed while they got organised. There were 5 games and two teams played each game together then moved on to play against another tea. We had awesome fun and wre really impressed with all the preparation the students had gone to. We helped them to evaluate by filling out a google form they had sent us.



As our Student Volunteer Army community service we decided that we wanted to join the Rat Eradication program that some groups are doing in our community. We are right beside the West Coast Wilderness Trail where there has been a problem with rats and they are coming into our community, housing and having an impact on the environment.  they are responsible for the decline of a number of native and common species.

They eat the seeds and fruit of many plants so prevent them from reproducing. A year 13 group at the Greymouth High School combined with us (they have about 40 traps out we only built and set 6). They came along and taught us how to build wooden traps, set and monitor them. Rather than a one-day activity, our Student Army task will last several weeks as we have to go out and check and reset them daily. We also started our own trap line with NZ trapping so the daily data is relevant and used by DOC. (we are called BlaketownSchool Trapping on NZ Trap) Hopefully, residents in the community have fewer problems with rodents and our environment will flourish. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019


We have been looking at communication and the different ways we communicate e.g. voice, signs, body language etc. The list was much longer than we first expected. We had to make a timeline about teh development of technological communication.  
This is some of our soundwave art.
Another task we had to do was make up an obstacle course, blindfold younger students and direct them successfully through the course.
It was heaps of fun. We looked at adds and how they communicate, smoke signals, cave drawings. The colours that are used on posters, signs etc also communicate different messages to us. 

Orana Park

We were lucky enough to be selected by The Warehouse to be sponsored for a visit to Orana Park in Christchurch. We left at 9am  in the morning on a school bus. We were supposed to transfer to a coach in Arthurs Pass. This DID NOT HAPPEN. Lots of people got sick as we drove really fast and the bus was not meant to be for long distances (it was a truck bus). When we got there we were delivered to Meadow Park which is a Top Ten Park. We had free time to go swimming and relax. Some of the mums went shopping at the mall which is only 2 blocks away.
We went back to Orana Park for dinner.
The next morning we were up early to go to the Park and see everything. We walked all day and earnt heaps about the different animals they have there.
We caught the same bus home and lots more people got sick
The bus drivers were really grumpy. But we had an AWESOME time and learnt heaps of things. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Bad Hair Day

We had a fun crazy hair day to raise funds for child cancer. Here are some pictures of some of the hairstyles we created. It is important to think about others and be helpful if you can. 

Communication - Shantytown

As part of our study for Communication, we went to Shantytown.
We used the morse code machine and had to send and decipher a message in morse code.
Another activity involved us writing a speech for a Town cryer and then walking around the town and shouting it out in an appropriate voice. We had to think about the volume and the style of language and tone. It had to had to be in 'old English speak' and be formal.
We went to the schoolroom and used slates to draft a message home. We then used dip pens and put them in ink writing the message on paper so we could send it.We had to be really careful about not dripping the ink onto the paper and making a blot.
We had to read several things around town to follow find information and follow some events - it was a kind of treasure hunt.
We also played Chinese Whispers which was hilarious as the message was totally confused. This is good proof that verbal communication is important but it needs to be face to face, not second hand.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Book Making

As part of our literacy and social studies program, we have been looking at communication. One of our literacy activities was to make a mini-book that we had to write and illustrate then share with others. It was heaps of fun but also difficult as the books were so tine and our writing had to be tidy and able to be easily read. The illustrations had to tie in with our story.
Lots of people in the class never completed this as they had to keep restarting when their writing was too big. We had to really think about how many words went on each page as we were limited to 8 pages only. On the back, we had to have a synopsis of our story. Some of us need to look carefully at the size and shape of our handwriting letters.

Friendship Table and Chairs

We have been lucky enough to be gifted a table and chairs made from recycled wood and pallets. We plan to buy some Resene test pots and to give everyone in the school a chance to paint these. We will then move them out beside our school sandpit and playground and they will become our friendship seats. You will be able to sit at these when you are feeling a little alone and down, hopefully when someone sees you they will come along and sit and talk or invite you to play a game.


Our school was lucky enough to see the RNZAF Band when they visited. It was limited seats for the matinee and a fantastic concert.
Even though we usually walk to the theatre (it's only about 20 mins walk into town) this time we bused both ways as some of the junior students are a little slow. They explained and demonstrated all the different sections of the orchestra. The band also had some amazing singers that accompanied them and encouraged us to join in. Lots of students in our class were going home to see if they could talk their parents into going to the evening show. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Mothers Day Gifts

We made some pop-up boxes for our caregivers. We made sure that they were personalised and had messages from us that were meaningful. Some of us even made paper flowers and bows to decorate the top.
We also made paper flowers that we tied into bunches with floral paper and cellophane.   Then some people made wrapping paper while others wrapped their boxes in tissue paper and cellophane to match the hand made flowers.
We were really proud of ourselves.

Friday, May 3, 2019

BALANCE - Homework Projects

We were studying balance at school and had lots of activities to do as we learnt about balance points, counterweights and a balanced lifestyle.
We also had a homework project where we had to design and build an object that showed balance.

We then had to make a movie where we explained how we made it and how it exhibited balance (CHECK OUT OUR BLOGS FOR THESE)