Friday, September 11, 2020

Marshmallow Challenge Year Six

 Year 7 and 8 go to technology so Year 6 had a challenge to build a tower with bamboo sticks and marshmallows


Some of us did not do very well with our planning and had to begin more than once.

Some people found it hard to communicate, combine their plan, work as a team and discuss things as they went. The people who did this managed to get a successful tower that had the mass evenly distributed which allowed them to build it higher.
In the end, everyone was given a plastic bag to name and halve the marshmallows to eat. We were very careful about washing our hands and sanitising ourselves and the desk before we started work. We all had the same number or marshmallows per group so it was very fair.



With origins dating back to 1989, Red Nose Day has grown to become one of our country’s most recognised appeals, symbolised by red noses and remembered by the catchy theme song ‘You make the whole world smile’ and, more recently, ‘Feel Inside (and stuff like that). 

This Red Nose appeal is to help raise funds for more research into a wide range of child health conditions including childhood cancers, inherited heart conditions, epilepsy, infectious diseases, cystic fibrosis, sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI), stillbirth, burns as well as child and adolescent mental health – and many, many other areas of research.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

WIG DAY - Bad Hair Day


We raised many for child cancer by having a wig day. We had the choice of wearing a wig, painting our hair, doing a crazy hairstyle of having a decorated hat.

 Even the staff took part so it was very amusing. Some of them painted their hair and others wore wigs. Wig day raises money for child cancer

Leaf and Bark Rubbings

 For Art this term we are doing Printmaking. The first thing we did was leaf and bark rubbings. We 

turned these into art pieces by adding

a dye background and a NZ bird in the forefront.


 We had Catherine from St John come to teach us CPR. Unfortunately due to COVID 19we were unable to do the breathing but we could do the compressions.  


We had to be very careful sanitising each time we moved mannequins, which was every 3 minutes. One of the mannequins was synced to the phone to help us see how we went. One of the others lite up as we managed to get blood to the brain, this really helped us see how much pressure was needed. We were all surprised how hard it was and some of us were very red in the face when the time was up. We all got given a small pencil case sized first aid kit.


 We have been looking at Sates of Matter one of our experiments was to look at solids and liquids using chocolate. We used white, milk and dark chocolate.

We had to work out how to transform it from solid to liquid. We had to make a plan and hypothesis and then do the experiment. 
We had to work out how to transform it from solid to liquid. We had to make a plan and hypothesis and then do the experiment.

We also had to read the ingredients on the labels and take into consideration what the chocolate contained. We had to use our hands only. 
There were lots of things to be considered like temperature, the heat of our hands and the time each chocolate took to turn into a liquid.  There was a bucket of ice available and some of used this to turn our chocolate back to solid by putting our hands in it. We were able to eat/lick our chocolate when we were finished. Each of us did a presentation with our results for our individual blogs.
WE LEARNT that objects move through different phases of matter and that this usually happens through temperature change.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Live Stream Assembly 3

We spent a lot of time writing scripts, filming skits (which didn't make it in as we ran out of time) for our Third Assembly. We are getting much more professional at putting the presentation together, filming and live streaming it. Here is the link WE ARE PROUD OF OUR PROGRESS Blaketown Assembly June 2020

Self Portraits

Sandra Silberzweig

We watched a presentation about Sandra Silverzswig art. She is a contemporary artist who lives in Canada. She has a condition called Synesthesia which means she sees things in lots of colours and sees sounds as colour and tastes words and feels things on her skin when she smells different things. We love her art and decided to do our portraits. Some of used the glue technique and some of us just went straight to pastel work. It was really interesting to see how we say things.

School Kit Writing

We took part in a School Kit sponsored by The Warehouse. We had an amazing time writing poems and looking at the maps. We have had to wait over lockdown and them some to receive our parcel from our partner school but are really impressed with the work we sent and the interesting  place and street names they found in NZ


During Lockdown four of us worked on Hangouts with the teacher and we had an ANZAC service. The Englebrestein family lived near the school so they made some wreaths from egg cartons (the teacher put the task out on one of her planning sheets ) and went down and laid some wreaths and their mum filmed it. This was our first time working live stream and we made many mistakes (listen to the singing of the national anthem) but we are very proud of ourselves.

This is the link to our service ANZAC SERVICE 2020


We have been thinking about how important it is to show kindness to everyone and have been trying to do this.

We were able to do any sort of creative presentation on paper or the computer about kindness. We also wrote a script and put together a live stream assembly about kindness.
 Kindness Assembly Have a look it is really interesting. We did lots of writing filming and editing.



We identified our strengths and how we coped with lockdown, coming back to school and the changes that had to be made for us all to feel safe. We then had to make a presentation about our strengths using the words we had found and described ourselves with.
When this was done we then redesigned ourselves as A SUPERHERO who would save the world from COVID 19 with our strengths. We planned our coloured a paper copy of ourselves and then made a digital copy to match it as closely as we could.
After we had done this we had to write a narrative or a newspaper report about how we saved the world using our strengths.

COVID 19 Experience

Our COVID 19 Experiences

We have done a lot of work, sharing and talking about our experiences in lockdown. For many of us, the daily hangout was really important as it was a time to socialise as well as catch up with teacher instructions, do some puzzles and quizzes together. The teacher started by doing the quizzes and puzzles but some students asked to do it so it became a shared activity for some of due to work together on hangouts and build it for the next day.

School Kit Resilience


We have worked with the School kit and learnt a lot about ourselves and our resilience. This is a
picture of the charging station where we can go to RESET ourselves if we need to. we started this before lockdown but it has been super helpful since as we have dealt with a new sort of school environment.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Bread Germ Test.
As a class, we decided what we would us to put germs onto bread. We used faces, taps, door handles etc.
We bagged everything up using gloves and tongs so there was no cross-contamination.
We measured daily and monitored the results as the mould grew. The TV remote was the worst plastic bag for mould.

Friday, April 24, 2020

 We have been looking at the art of Rene Magritte. He specialised in surrealism which art which tries to make you use your imagination. Art that makes you think. We produced some work modelled on one of his pieces of the eye. (Using it as/like a mirror)

Swimming Term 1 2020

This year we have been going to Cobden School for swimming. Three ability groups go at a time and the pool is divided into three. It is VERY noisy but we really appreciate Cobden School letting us use there pool. We bus over and back. Everything thinks the pool is lovely and warm and just pleased that we can get in the water,