Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Self Portraits

Sandra Silberzweig

We watched a presentation about Sandra Silverzswig art. She is a contemporary artist who lives in Canada. She has a condition called Synesthesia which means she sees things in lots of colours and sees sounds as colour and tastes words and feels things on her skin when she smells different things. We love her art and decided to do our portraits. Some of used the glue technique and some of us just went straight to pastel work. It was really interesting to see how we say things.


  1. Hello my Name is Nasili and im from St Pius the x school and i would like to say that is a cool art project and what did you guys make it out of By the way keep up the good work!

  2. Hello my name is Kalisi and I'm from St Pius X School and I would like to see more of your art because they look very very cool and it is a very nice art keep it up

  3. Greetings Room 2,
    My name is Christopher, I'm a year 8 student attending St Pius X Catholic School. Your art looks beautiful. Its really colorful.
    But is it a portrait of yourself?
    Besides that keep up the great work!



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