Thursday, August 4, 2016

Every second week the year 7 and 8 students from our class go to High School for technology. They are away all day so we get to do different challenges. As we are studying toys through the ages at present, today we have had to design and build a balloon powered car. We are testing to see whose car will go the further-est. We have all had lots of different ideas and had to make lots of changes as we built them. We are trialing different sized wheels and thinking about wind resistance.


  1. hi Room Two Blake town School i do like the cars your good at building i am bad at it can you drive it (:

  2. hi Room Two Blake town School i do like the cars your good at building i am bad at it can you drive it (:

  3. Hi room 2 im Shialla
    I really like this blog post I am a year 7 and I go down to the high school every week for tech but it stills looks like you have had a great time making these things if I didn't go to tech I would love to do this I think that you should have a title at the start of a blog post I have never tried to make a balloon powered car i might try to do it.
    From SHIALLA

  4. Hi room 2 i really like the balloon powers cars and what is the furthest distenc they have traveled from Reilly

  5. Hi Room 2.
    I think your having fun making these cars. I wonder which car goes the further-est and which one is the fastest from the picture.
    from Royden Giles.

  6. Hey guys.Looks like yous were having fun making cars.They are cool.Which car went the fastest

  7. Hi Room 2
    I think that that is a really cool idea , making balloon powered cars.
    Destiny (WIS)

  8. Hi Room 2
    I liked your balloon powers cars they were cool Which car went the fastest.


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