Easter Gifts for the A-Z Pre-School
Our class has spent the last couple of days making Easter Gifts for the Junior Room to take to the Pr-school tomorrow,
A couple of weeks ago our school got several copies of the Prime Time Magazine and we saw an Easter Egg recipe. We decided we would make these as our gift. The eggs are made out of Rice bubble mixed with Marshmallows and butter, You melt it all together then form it into shape. THIS WAS INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT and very messy!!!!!!!!!!!! In the end, we put lots of butter on our hands. You then dip half the egg in chocolate and sprinkles, that was another problem as the chocolate wouldn't melt enough. In the end, Jo (a teacher aide) suggested we add oil and it worked. PHEW !!!!!!!!!!!
We made Easter baskets and labels. We printed the baskets but had to glue them together and then we glued purple ribbon around them to make them look better. We added yellow cellophane and gold Cadburys paper to the basket. After that, we wrapped them in Clear cellophane and tied on labels.
We also had to make something for the junior class to take for sharing at morning teas time. We decided to ice and decorate some Milk Arrowwheat biscuits with M&M's. We are kind of wishing we were going to the pr-school instead of the juniors. There were some leftovers so we shared them around the school with students who have shown positive behaviour all term.