Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Basic Facts

We are focussing on improving our basic facts. Our latest thing is having a 'Factometer' on the wall. We have our pictures on this at the level we are working on. We have to work our way up the levels (they are  named like karate belts and start at white finishing with black), the higher you go the harder the work gets. We have 2 cards each day and 3 minutes to answer the problems on the card. Some people or moving up really quickly (this is because they are learning them at home). It will be interesting to see what her next idea is for trying to motivate to learn them.

1 comment:

  1. Hi my name is Jahnae, I am from Wesley Intermediate. I like the way yous have worked really hard on something that will help Students with their Basic Facts.
    I think you guys have done an excellent job, Keep up the work.


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